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Your Archery Journey Begins here!


                                                     The path most followed

Come and Try

Most people are introduced to archery via our Come & Try sessions, which the club runs most Sunday mornings.

This is the best way to give this sport a try.

To make a booking for Come N Try go to this page on our web site and click the "Book Now" button.

We have also added the ability to buy a Gift Certificate
as a gift for someone

We also hold private group sessions on request, such as work Team Building, Birthdays etc.
This will give you a quick taste of how much fun the sport of archery can be, at a time that suits you.
coachingcac@gmail for more details.

Come and Try sessions are designed for all beginners who have never tried archery before or those who are looking to see if archery is for them, all are welcome.

A session runs for 1.5 hrs and all equipment is provided. The sessions are run by qualified coaches who will be able to show you how to shoot safely.

Come and Try sessions are open to people aged 7+, however we ask that parents of children aged 7-10 supervise their children.

Intermediate classes

In the past people would do a few "Come N Try" sessions before deciding that archery could be fun to continue with because of the moderate upfront cost to purchase equipment.

Canberra Archery Club assists in this respect by offering as part of it’s
membership, the ability to borrow (free of charge) Come N Try equipment at our regular Saturday OzBow Beginners/Intermediate classes, run by qualified coaches/experienced archers.


Is where we train you in the 10 steps of Archery. This is a planned step by step guide in the way to shoot most recurve and compound bows. Both follow the same steps. It also teaches the
etiquette and rules of shooting at any club.

It is currently included as part of your membership, so there’s no additional cost upfront for equipment in the short-term.
Note that borrowing equipment is limited to OzBow, when there's a coach on hand to issue and return it.

The club also has a few coaches that offer private coaches sessions – contact
coachingcac@gmail for more details about private tutoring.

Deciding what style of Bow to choose

The most popular styles of Archery, in no particular order, right now, are:-

Olympic Recurve
Bare-Bow (Similar to Olympic Recurve but without sights or stabilisers)

There are a number of styles to take up once you are a
Details are available here:-

More useful links:-


All clubs throughout Australia and the World offer competitions you can enter. They are great fun and you really don't need to be an expert to enter most at club level.

They start at club level and progress as you would imagine to the Olympic level but only for Olympic Recurve at the writing of this.

Australia allows Recurve, Barebow, Compound, longbow at club level

While at a club you will most likely only shoot on a well layed out Range.

There are however other ways to shoot that are great fun!:-

Field Archery

The Australian Open Field Championships were held recently, with quite a few of our CAC Archers participating and achieving podium finishes!

Clout Archery


Contact Us


41 Thurbon Road, Southwell Park

Lyneham, Canberra


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